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7 Rules When It Comes To Building Private Blog Networks

Many are curious as to how PBNs work. In a nutshell, you buy expired domains and host them under a single hosting to improve your rank in Google. The thing is, building and managing PBNs is never easy. 

PBN building takes time, investment, and patience. If you don’t have these, then all your efforts will only go down the drain. While Private Blog Networks is an excellent way to speed up your process of improving your rank, that doesn’t mean you can rush the process of PBN building itself.

To help you build and manage PBNs that lasts, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Review The Domains Before Buying

One of the things you need to remember when you buy domains with backlinks is to review the domain before making the purchase properly. Remember that your primary purpose of building a PBN is to acquire a good number of high-quality backlinks. It doesn’t even matter as to where you plan on buying the domains. What matters is you vet on your domain the right way.

Before buying a domain, make sure that the site has sufficient metrics and is a high-quality domain. Stay away from domains that used to be a spam website, are a part of a PBN before and has too many 301 or 302 redirects.

Register The Domains The Right Way

When registering the domain, you will use for PBN, make sure not to do everything in one day. Be patient when registering your domains. Wait for a few days before registering your other domains. Also, register each domain privately and under different data. It serves as an extra precaution to avoid anyone from thinking all your domains are part of a PBN. You don’t want to lose all your domains just because of a simple mistake of registering all in one day and under identical information.

Choose The Right PBN Hosting

The main reason why you need a PBN hosting is to make it easier for you to host a large number of sites under a single account. By choosing the right PBN hosting, it can help you make your Private Blog Network more natural in several ways. For one, you get a unique IP address for your domains, thus covering your tracks and sweeping your footprint under the rug.

Make Your Domains Look Like Real Websites

Just because you’re using expired domains already meant there is no need for you to take care of them. After you buy domains with backlinks, make sure to update the sites regularly, give it a personality, and use engaging images for your content. If you can make your domains appear like real sites, search engines will think the domains are worth to be indexed.

Ensure Quality Contents Within The Domains

Remember that you need to maintain high-quality content for the domain to retain its authority. You’re building a PBN  to build quality links. So, this means you need the content linking back your site to be of high-quality. A good number of words per page that is optimal for Search Engine Optimization is at least 600-700. 

Good Read: What Is The Optimal Word-Count for SEO

Make sure to craft contents that your target audiences will find interesting and engaging. Research the best keywords and use targetted keywords often searched by your audience. The content needs to be incredibly readable, write topics with different angles and facets, and provide only facts. Take into consideration the visuals as humans are visual creatures. Also, reputation matters when it comes to SEO content, so establish a good reputation also matters.

Develop Good Linking Strategies

Links are one factor used by Google when it comes to search results rank. So, it only makes sense to develop an excellent strategy to maximize your link building efforts. Here are a few tips when developing linking strategies for your PBM.

First, start by knowing who and where your audiences are. This way, you get to grow your audience, improve your reach, and make better conversions. Ask yourself what are the characteristics of your ideal audiences are? 

Good Read: How to Know Your Audience to Master Your Marketing Campaigns

Since almost all businesses nowadays are online, it will be easier for you to find out what kind of content your audience find appealing. Check what your successful competitors are doing and see which of their content are making conversions. Make a list of what your audiences find appealing in terms of content and use this as a guide.

Make an effort to only to create quality content and post them on your website. Then, craft content for your PBN domains that you can link to your main site. Remember that the niche of your domains and money-making site needs to be relevant.

Content spinning is a writing technique used by some webmaster to recreate high-quality content for their website. However, article spinners often result in unidiomatic phrasing that doesn’t make sense at all. Using article spinners only result in poorly written content, which is something you wouldn’t want to have in your PBN domains. So, avoid spinning any content and craft your own unique, compelling, and engaging content instead.

Almost everyone uses Social Media sites, so make sure to promote your content in sites your target audiences are using. You’ll get a wider reach and also get links in the process.

Don’t Block All Web Crawlers

Web Crawlers are internet bots that methodically search the internet for web indexing. It automatically browses every document on the internet – your domains included without your permission to provide up-to-date data indexing. When you block web crawlers, search engines will think you’re trying to cover something. It makes your sites look suspicious and unworthy of indexing.

Private Blog Networks enables you to achieve a higher quickly. However, certain steps to reduce the risk of penalties. If you want to make the best use of your PBNs, keep the tips above in mind.

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